The project
The MAKEADEMY project wants to innovate existing engineering study courses by developing a flexible, modular learning program centered on the Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate approach. MAKEADEMY programme provides students with the skills to address current and future professional and global challenges.

Why Makeademy
According to the National Academy of Engineering, engineers today work in diverse and diffuse teams, often across time zones and national borders. However, shortly engineers will have an even more diverse environment to work in and more significant humanity’s issues to solve than ever before. Therefore, the MAKEADEMY project addresses the need to supplement the HE engineering study programs with an innovative solution-oriented and widely available program as a platform to recognise and engage with the macro-ethical, adaptive and cross-disciplinary challenges embedded in professional issues.

HE study programme
Develops engineers' sense of innovation
critical thinking and holistic vision to solve the problems of the modern world from innovative, sustainable and social perspectives.
Is based on the CDIO* methodology
(*conceive-design-implement-operate) which adds the transdisciplinary approach
to the learning practises.
Makes accessible to all learning content
that often is restricted to certain universities or specific networks such as makerspaces and fablabs.

Makeademy e-Learning Platform