Everything about prototyping

Course Objective

The maker mindset and the encompassing digital fabrication technologies offer versatile tools and approaches to prototype innovative solutions for real-life problems. This course is a multi-disciplinary and hands-on learning experience that empowers students to learn-by-doing. The objective is to transfer the basic understanding of (1) product design, (2) digital fabrication and (3) electronics in three modules. Each module is divided into chapters that dive deeper into the respective areas of knowledge and invites the student to directly apply their gained knowledge.

Learning Outcomes

Participants will gain a basic understanding of a variety of making techniques and will be invited to put into practice their knowledge and skills in physical projects. By the completion of the course, participants will have learned how to use digital fabrication tools, machines, and skills such as 2D design and 3D design, Computer-controlled cutting, 3D printing, Computer-controlled machining and Electronics. Furthermore, they will:

Deepen their knowledge and gain new skills and competencies

Review a collection of best practice examples from the maker community that apply digital fabrication technologies in innovative projects


Have access to a curated list of open and closed source programs, including links to external tutorials


Self assess their learning process by applying their knowledge in practical individual or group projects

Course structure details:

The course “Everything about prototyping” is divided into three modules. The modules are (1) product design, (2) digital fabrication and (3) electronics in four modules. Each of these modules builds on top of the other, hence following a logical order. However, each of the modules can be separately conducted based on interests and the existing knowledge of participants.

It is recommended to allocate one week time for each chapter to give the students the most possible immersive experience with the newly introduced topics, tools, and skills. However, the format and time intensity of the course can be adapted by the instructor.

For example, one module can take place over two weeks, including a 2-hour lecture for the module, and 2-hour of introductions to each chapter with additional allocated hours for group and individual work.

Example Module in one-week:


Module introduction 

Introduction chapter 1

Free working time for participants


Introduction chapter 2

Free working time for participants


Free working time for participants

Introduction chapter 3


Free working time for participants

Introduction chapter 4


Free working time for participants

Project presentation

Example Module, with one week per chapter:

Week 1

Module introduction 

Introduction chapter 1

Free working time for participants

Week 2

Introduction chapter 2

Free working time for participants

Week 3

Introduction chapter 3

Free working time for participants

Week 4

Introduction chapter 4

Free working time for participants

Week 5

Collective revision of work and finalizing projects

Project presentation

This course can be designed modular and contextualized based on the availability of resources, types of machinery, and skills of the facilitator and participants at the training location.

Course coordinator:

Fab Lab Barcelona, info@fablabbcn.org

Academic prerequisites:

On the level of Bachelor’s degree in engineering or equivalent. No prior knowledge of digital fabrication is required for this course.

Form of instruction:

Self-instructional or part of curriculum instructed by a local facilitator of the course

Comments on form of instruction:

Individual work or lectures, group work and group assignments.

Course requirements for instructor:

Access to a local Makerspace and or Fab Lab is highly recommended. Instructors of this course should be familiar with the modules that are presented in this course or ideally have a maker profile themselves.

Exam details:

Optional online assignments after each module, a showcase of individual or group projects using the learned knowledge, and prototypes can be showcased in a classroom setting.

Prerequisites for examination of participation:

Following the learning by-doing methodology the participants of the course will be invited to put their newly developed skills directly into practice. Participants can develop projects that use digital fabrication technology either in individual or group work.




Bachelor or Master

Language of instruction:
